Watch: Mixed-bag woodland hunt

Watch: Mixed-bag woodland hunt

Mat Manning targets pigeons, corvids and grey squirrels during a woodland shooting session in this episode of his fortnightly show, Airgun Action!

Airgun World
Watch: Farmyard ratting!

Watch: Farmyard ratting!

In this video, Mat Manning is ratting at the farmyard, where he puts the Hikmicro Cheetah and Alpex digital day and night gunsights to the test!

Airgun World
Watch: Mixed bag farmyard shoot!

Watch: Mixed bag farmyard shoot!

Rich Saunders tackles a major pest problem on the farm, and Mat Manning reviews BSA’s new flagship PCP, the R-12 CLX Pro in this Airgun Action video.

Airgun World
Watch: Ambushing grey squirrels + JTS Airacuda Max review

Watch: Ambushing grey squirrels + JTS Airacuda Max review

We join Rich Saunders on a grey squirrel hunt using ambush tactics, before Mat Manning reviews the JTS Airacuda Max, a PCP boasting affordable performance.

Airgun World
Watch: Slurry pit ratting!

Watch: Slurry pit ratting!

In this video, Mat Manning is out on a farmyard ratting mission resulting in plenty of casualties, followed by a review of the Weihrauch HW100 KT.

Airgun World
Watch: Awesome hunting with the FX Panthera!

Watch: Awesome hunting with the FX Panthera!

Mat Manning heads to the woods armed with the FX Panthera, before reviewing the Crosman Icon - a new PCP ideal for airgunners on a budget!

Airgun World
Monocular or binocular: which is best for me?

Monocular or binocular: which is best for me?

Binoculars rein supreme in the hunting and shooting world, but are writing off monocular optics unfairly? Could they even be the better choice? ATN experts explain.

Airgun World
Watch: Mixed-bag pest control!

Watch: Mixed-bag pest control!

Rich Saunders targets rabbits, rats and grey squirrels in the woods and farmland in this episode of Airgun Action on Shooting & Country TV!

Airgun World
Watch: Lamping rats & FX Panthera review

Watch: Lamping rats & FX Panthera review

Mat Manning goes old-school in this episode of Airgun Action! He's out lamping rats with a springer before reviewing the exciting new FX Panthera!

Airgun World
Watch: Squirrel hunt with HIK Alpex & Winchester Model 45 on test

Watch: Squirrel hunt with HIK Alpex & Winchester Model 45 on test

In this episode of Airgun Action, Mat Manning is out on a day time squirrel shoot with the HIK Micro Alpex, before reviewing the Winchester Model 45 springer!

Airgun World
Watch: Grey squirrel shoot & Konus Pro F30 scope test

Watch: Grey squirrel shoot & Konus Pro F30 scope test

In episode 3 of our new fortnightly airgunning show, Airgun Action, Rich Saunders is out on a winter grey squirrel shoot and Mat Manning reviews the Konus Pro F30 scope.

Airgun World
Watch: Farmyard ratting & Reximex Pretensis test

Watch: Farmyard ratting & Reximex Pretensis test

In the second episode of Airgun Action, Mat Manning is out on a mega night vision farmyard ratting clear-up and reviewing the Reximex Pretensis air rifle!

Airgun World
WIN a pair of BSA break-barrel air rifles!

WIN a pair of BSA break-barrel air rifles!

We’ve teamed up with BSA to offer one lucky reader the chance to win a brand-new Meteor Super and Comet SE break-barrel rifle!

Airgun World
Watch: Airgun Action Ep.1 with Mat Manning

Watch: Airgun Action Ep.1 with Mat Manning

In the first episode of Airgun Action, Mat Manning heads out on a roving squirrel hunt and reviews the Niksan Escalade C.

Airgun World
Watch: Mat Manning's new airgun show!

Watch: Mat Manning's new airgun show!

Mat Manning introduces his brand new airgun show, which will be available to watch on Shooting & Country TV on YouTube from Wednesday 7th December.

Airgun World
Gun test: BRK Brocock Ghost Carbine

Gun test: BRK Brocock Ghost Carbine

The new BRK Ghost has a haunting name and paranormal power potential – and it certainly raised editor Mat Manning’s spirits when he put it through its paces.

Airgun World
Watch: Can Gary Chillingworth hack it against the best in UKHFT?

Watch: Can Gary Chillingworth hack it against the best in UKHFT?

In this video, our airgunning vlogger Gary Chillingworth takes on the might that is Maldon and District Airgun Club for rounds 6 and 7 of the UKAHFT National series to see if he can still hack with a PCP!

Airgun World
Watch: Feral pigeon control with Mick Garvey

Watch: Feral pigeon control with Mick Garvey

Mick Garvey arms himself well, holds his breath, and enters the barn of hell in this episode of Airgun Hunting; the feral pigeons on the farm have created a serious health hazard, and Mick's job is to fix it!

Airgun World
Gear review: Skan Pro1 Series 3 Diamond Chrono

Gear review: Skan Pro1 Series 3 Diamond Chrono

We review the Skan Pro1 Series 3 Diamond Chrono 40th Anniversary Model and are impressed to discover a combination of easy operation and more complicated features available if required.

Airgun World
Why choose adjustable scope mounts?

Why choose adjustable scope mounts?

The benefits of choosing adjustable mounts to secure your scope to your air rifle; there aren’t many fully adjustable mounts available, but the new ones from MTC Optics are going to be a big hit!

Airgun World
Why the Weihrauch HW40 PCA deserves more of our attention

Why the Weihrauch HW40 PCA deserves more of our attention

Airgun World
Phil Hardman: “Hunting in the field is my therapy”

Phil Hardman: “Hunting in the field is my therapy”

Airgun World
Gun test: Brocock Commander Hi-Lite

Gun test: Brocock Commander Hi-Lite

Airgun World
Trapping every pellet fired

Trapping every pellet fired

Airgun World