
WATCH: Airgun tips for Beginners

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Time Well Spent
Time Well Spent June 15, 2022

Terry Doe and Dave Barham have seized the opportunity to give back to the sport, by creating a series of airgun tips for beginners on our new channel

credit: Archant

For this Editor’s Choice, I am proud to share with you a series from our new YouTube channel – Shooting & Country TV. The series, Airgun tips for Beginners, is packed with tips, advice and how-tos on the basics of airgun shooting… you know, the sort of stuff you may feel a bit silly asking someone about. These are the absolute essentials that every airgun beginner would benefit from being taught, as I know I would have when I was first starting out.

It’s a chance for myself and Dave Barham (Airgunner magazine editor) to give something back to the sport that has given us so much. It’s a chance to impart the knowledge we have gained over the years to the next generation of airgunners – the newcomers, the youngsters, and anyone else who is interested in learning more about our wonderful sport.

Have a watch – you may find it useful to brush up on a few things, whatever your experience level – and if you know anyone who is just starting out, point them towards this series and help them get off on the right foot. We’ve shared a selection of the videos here, and you can find the whole series in the Airgun tips for Beginners playlist on Shooting & Country TV.

Stay safe and enjoy your shooting.

Terry Doe (Airgun World editor)