
Wasp pellets are back!

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Time Well Spent
Time Well Spent June 15, 2022

After a hiatus, the legendary Wasp pellet has returned from exile. John Rothery Wholesale is proud to be bringing back the iconic brand to its customers.

There may be a slight evolution in the tin size and weight, but the Wasp DNA remains with the same sting in the tail. Tin size and weight are not the only new attributes; the new Wasp pellets have returned to the everyday quality, value for money, and reliability the beloved brand was original built upon.

Available in .177 distinguished by the red tin and .22 in the purple tin, these Wasp pellets may be a new breed, but provide the experienced shooter a chance to relive their first memories of visiting a range or plinking, and the first time they experienced the thrill of a passion that would stay with them throughout their lives.

With the Wasp pellets much-anticipated return, there’s no better time to pass the love of shooting onto the next generation, by introducing them to shooting through the same brand that captured the imagination of so many shooters before them.

Return to a simpler time with a familiar companion by your side in the form of the new Wasp pellets, whilst also writing the next chapter in the legacy of the Wasp name. Watch as the new generation of Wasp pellets spread the fun, excitement and buzz of shooting to the next generation of shooters. Wasp pellets are back and available now!
For more info, visit:

credit: Archant

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