
Scope review: Optisan HX 4-12×40 AO

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Time Well Spent
Time Well Spent June 15, 2022

Is the humblest option also the best? The editor asks

credit: Archant

Optisan is having something of a resurgence in this country, with several new models. I’ve been using this scope’s big brother, the EVX, for a while and have been duly impressed, but the 30mm tube and ‘sniper’ turrets aren’t really my cup of tea on a hunting gun.

That’s why I asked if I could try the HX 4-12×40 AO, which is much slimmer, using a 1” body tube and a great deal lighter.

Although the windage and elevation adjusters have screw-on dust covers, they have raised drums that are easily turned without need of a screwdriver or a coin. The covers sit nice and low and so are unlikely to catch on anything.

The other thing that stands out visually is the fact this scope uses an objective-mounted parallax adjuster. This is becoming more unusual today – as side wheel adjustment becomes more common – but don’t worry, there’s no downside to this position, other than needing to reach a little further forward to make a change.

The upside is the scope can be lighter and cheaper because the mechanism uses fewer lenses than a side wheel version. I’m perfectly happy with either option.

Inside, we find a conventional 30/30 duplex reticle enhanced with mil-dots. I like simple, clean reticles in a hunting scope and this one is right up my street.

The stadia lines are neither too thick nor too thin. There’s a fashion at the moment to use ultra-thin reticles and these are great for precision shooting in good light, but less so for hunting in low light conditions, when they’re easily lost.

Just right for airgun hunting

I feel this scope’s specification is just right for airgun hunting and might well suit hunter field target competitors as well.

I tend to hunt on 7x mag’, but it’s nice to have the extra magnification for times when I’m shooting on paper targets so I can see the group size.

The image quality was good for the price, although unsurprisingly not as clear and bright as the EVX, but then that costs about £200 more. I appreciated the reticle in the field and at no time did I find it difficult to use, and the mil-dots were a useful aid for shooting in the wind.

All in all, this is a smart, lightweight optic, well suited to hunting guns and good value for money too.


Manufacturer: Optisan

Importer: MTC Optics

Model: HX 4-12 x 40

Length: 330mm

Weight: 550 grammes

RRP: £139.00


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