The editor invites you to a fantastic day of airgun shooting – built around you! For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to put on a celebration of airgun shooting, where shooters can come and enjoy the best aspects of our sport. I’m pleased to announce that, following a recent meeting, I’ve been
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For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to put on a celebration of airgun shooting, where shooters can come and enjoy the best aspects of our sport. I’m pleased to announce that, following a recent meeting, I’ve been given the go-ahead to turn my dream into reality and create that day at my club on Bisley Camp in Surrey. I truly can’t tell you how excited I am about this, and how much I’d like you to share the day with us.
A day for everyone
The idea is to build the day around our readers and their many interests – hunting, FT and HFT, vintage airguns/collecting, pistols, and those who’d just like some personal tuition to help them improve their shooting. The Bisley Field Target Organisation is the perfect venue for such an occasion, surrounded as it is by those historic ranges and club houses and set in 3000 acres of our shooting heritage.
Who can take part?
This day has primarily been set up for BASA members and their friends, and numbers are limited, but if space is available, the day will be open to all. We’re planning on holding more of these days and we’d like to get as many of our readers as possible to enjoy them with us, so watch these pages for news.
How much will it cost?
The price has been fixed at £75 per shooter, but BASA members get a £10 discount on that. Each BASA member can bring a friend, who also gets the discount, so the tickets work out at £65 each.
What will I get for that?
First and foremost, you’ll get one-to-one coaching/advice in the part of your hobby that most interests you. We’ll be bringing experts from Air Gunner and Airgun World, plus others, and we are totally convinced that, whatever you’re into, you’ll be much better at it by the time the day is over. Personal coaching is an incredibly effective means of swift, significant improvement, and this day will set the foundation for techniques that will last you a lifetime. Yes, really!
And there’s more!
In addition to this, you’ll spend a day among great people from all areas of our sport, in historic surroundings – with food, drink, limitless banter and some take-home goodies provided. There will be more, too, and every month, right up until our September mag, we’ll feature an update on the event, as the event takes shape. For now, clear a day in your diary for Tuesday, September 17 – and watch this space!
How do I apply?
Just study the form below, decide what you’d like to do on the day, think about your main and secondary choices of activity, then call our Katie and she’ll get everything sorted for you. It really couldn’t be easier!
How to book:
– Contact Katie Tait, Monday to Friday, 9.30 to 5pm to secure your place on 01242 265897 / or email
– Quote your BASA customer number (if applicable)
– Confirm your main interest and secondary choice from the list below:
– Hunting
– Hunter Field Target (HFT)
– Field Target (FT)
– Vintage airguns
– Practical pistol
– Improving your general marksmanship techniques
T&Cs: Tickets are to be paid for by card at the time of booking and are non refundable. To take advantage of the BASA member friend offer, tickets must be booked at the same time. Attendees must be 18 years or older and have never been convicted of a criminal offence (excluding minor driving offences). Tickets are sold on a first-come, first-served basis. We will endeavour to cover your chosen interests; however this will depend on bookings. Attendees will need to bring their own equipment for the day and their BASA membership card or photograph ID. CCTV and cameras (including TV) may be present at the event. By purchasing a ticket to the event and/or attending the event you acknowledge it is in our legitimate interest to do so and that we can include to all such filming of your actual or simulated likeness within any film, photograph, audio and/or audiovisual recording (“Footage”), all rights in which will be owned by us. You also agree that any such Footage may be used by us in any and all media for any purpose at any time throughout the world, including (with the exception of CCTV or security Footage) for commercial purposes. Photography and filming on site is only allowed for personal use. Commercial or editorial photography is prohibited without prior written permission from us.
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