Leatherman, renowned for their multitools have gone all modern and minimalist with their latest product...
Leatherman, renowned for their multitools have gone all modern and minimalist with their latest product. Featuring full size pliers and 420HC stainless steel blade the new Freestyle retains two of the most important features of a multitool. There are two styles in the range, the Freestyle and the Freestyle CX. Both have features expected from a Leatherman, including wire cutters, needle nose pliers, regular pliers and a 25 year warranty. The CX version has a stainless steel body with DLC coating and a carbon fibre insert as opposed to a Zytel insert in the Freestyle version. The tools retail at �49.95 and �79.95 respectively and are available now nationwide.
For stockist availability please call Whitby and Co on 01539 721032 or visit: www.whitbyandco.co.uk.